Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Save Money on BMX Bikes and Bike Parts

If you are an avid BMX biker, you are probably well aware of how expensive this sport can be. Between buying the bikes themselves coupled with the ongoing cost of parts and accessories--whether replacement or aftermarket--and it's no wonder why BMX is such an expensive sport. Luckily, there are ways of getting good prices on bikes or bike parts without sacrificing quality in the process.

With the popularity of BMX constantly on the rise, more and more stores and websites are starting to sell parts and accessories, giving you tons of options to choose from. One great way to save money on BMX bikes and accessories is to shop around at as many places as possible and compare all the prices and selections. This can easily be done by shopping online and you will likely find a better selection and cheaper prices using this method anyway. There are literally dozens of stores online and by visiting them all and comparing them you increase your chances of getting the best deal possible. Make sure you check stores that specialize in selling BMX bikes and parts as well as other department-type stores such as Amazon, and always be on the look-out for free shipping deals if you want to save the most money.

Another great option that many choose to take advantage of is buying used BMX bikes and parts. By doing this you can give your wallet a huge break while at the same time doing someone else a favor. You can find used bikes and accessories fairly easy by visiting local cycle shops, pawn shops and even skate shops. Dick's Sporting Goods also buys and sells used items sometimes so if you have one near you be sure to check them out.

The internet also offers a great selection of used BMX bikes and used parts with websites like eBay and Craigslist being a couple of the best resources. All in all, BMX doesn't have to be such an expensive sport, you just have to know how to be a smart shopper, and with these tips in mind you should find great success.

If you like BMX, make sure you visit our website to find out where to buy the best used BMX bikes, as well as BMX bike parts and accessories.

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Things To Consider When Buying BMX Bike Parts

The sport of BMX has really taken off in the past decade. It can be very exhilarating to go through the process of learning how to ride. There is a certain amount of responsibility that comes along with having a BMX, but nothing that is too stressful. You always want to make sure that your bike is in optimum condition to ride. You want to ensure these both from a safety and performance stand point. As your time as a rider evolves you will likely need additional BMX bike parts as a way to either improve your bike or a way to replace BMX bicycle accessories on your bikes that may not be functioning the way they used do. Again, the combination of safety and performance is a big factor when purchasing and evaluating which BMX bicycle accessories will be suitable for your situation.

Are you a competitive BMX rider? If so, then you know full well the importance of having a bike that is ready to perform and produce results. A quality bike combined with a skilled and focused rider can go a long way in determining who wins and who loses a given event. Faulty BMX bike parts can ruin your chances at winning or even being able to compete in an event before it even starts. There are kinds of BMX parts in terms of quality. If you are a competitive rider then you should be well aware of the models and brands that will support the serious riding that you do on a daily basis. With someone who is a casual rider it is all about doing inspections every once in a while to make sure your BMX bicycle accessories have not been compromised in terms of quality at all. Even though we may only BMX bicycle as a hobby we will still want the bike to do what it is supposed to do when we need it to. The casual rider can even find more options in terms of the type of bike accessories because maybe the top of the line purchases will not be that much of an issue.

Outside of performance your BMX components play a big role in the safety area of things as well. Safety is front a center in almost every industry and BMX is no different in this respect. With the dangers you are putting yourself in no matter what kind of course you are riding on we can probably all agree that it is important. Having fully functional BMX bike parts is step number one in terms of safety. The risk you are putting yourself at if you are out there with faulty parts is immense and definitely not worth it on any level. BMX cycle components are so readily available today through different mediums that there is really no reason to ever short change yourself in the safety aspect of things.

A quick search online will yield the many options available to you in terms of where you can buy the latest and greatest in BMX components. With the competition out there be sure to shop around and find the BMX bike parts that you need to make your bike perform efficiently and safely.

Want to buy BMX bike parts like BMX shoes, BMX helmets and BMX clothing then check out our online store at

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Old School BMX VS Ground-Breaking BMX Bikes of Today

These days, as the number of bicycle motocross aficionados continues to increase during the past several years; more and more BMX bike manufacturers have come out presenting a wide variety of bikes that suits any type of rider and riding style. This wasn't the case before, Purchasing bikes used to be simple. However, now, as the BMX had made a great mark within the industry, a wide selection of bikes has been made available.

BMX bikes are special and unique. They do have a number of contrasting aspects with the average bikes that many are familiar with. The knobbier tires as well as the frame made from aluminum are just some of the differences of BMX bikes from the standard ones. The wheels, stem, hutch and other parts, back to front, are also improved to provide more efficiency. Generally speaking, these bikes are made tougher and more resistant to shock and damages.

Dirt jumping, free styling, mountain biking, flatland, and performing impressive stunts are just some of the styles involved in BMX. If you are considering of engaging on BMX, the best bike for you would depend on a number of factors such as the riding style you prefer, the surface you will ride on and the model among many others.

When it comes to the shopping, you will certainly find an overwhelming variety of these bikes. That is why it's important to know first the several factors mentioned above. Go to the BMX bike shops near you and check your options. Alternatively, you can also shop from online bike dealers or from eBay and Craiglist. Whether the bikes you are looking for is an old school BMX or cutting edge, you will surely find several online.

Rufus Leonello is an expert for the Old School BMX. Please visit his site at latest information.

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A Brief History of BMX Bikes

BMX (bicycle motocross) racing has come a long way since it was first conceptualized. In fact, the humble origins of the sport are often cited as stemming from the motocross documentary, On Any Sunday, which opened in 1971. The opening scenes of that movie followed kids on their Schwinn Sting-Ray bicycles riding dirt tracks and imitating motocross riders.

Of course, those scenes were based on something that was already taking place. Generally it is recognized that BMX as a sport found its footing in California. The bicycle races were predominantly composed of kids who had the desire to participate in motocross but could not afford it. Instead, these riders would groom their own dirt courses and use their bikes. Today's BMX racing tracks, with inline starts and expressive obstacles, trace back to this origin.

While ever since the invention of the bicycle there have been those who attempted innovations and tricks, most bikes up until this point were designed primarily as a means of transportation. Schwinn's Sting-Ray changed that. The Sting-Ray was released in 1963 at a time when custom cars and motorbikes were becoming popular. It was custom-built for riding off-road at high speeds and landing jumps. These bikes became popular fast, and quickly became one of the best-selling bikes in the country. Afterward, more manufacturers took note and began designing bicycles with similar custom features, such as twenty-inch wheels.

As custom bikes continued to grow in popularity and design evolution, riders continued to test the limits of what they could do. As this trend continued into the 1980s, BMX came to be about more than just racing. Riders began to perform skateboard-style tricks, and this is how the freestyle division of BMX was born. As a result, new bikes were designed to provide optimal conditions for performing increasingly difficult tricks.

By the 1990s, the sport was nearly ubiquitous. BMX was featured as a major part of the X-Games on ESPN. That trend has continued to the present day, where BMX racing is bigger than ever. The sport has grown to have its own international governing body, and BMX races took place as an Olympic sport for the first time in 2008.

Along with the sport, the bikes themselves have continued to evolve. Anyone interested in BMX biking today has a high and diverse number of bikes available. Which bike is best for you depends on how you plan to ride.

In essence, BMX bikes are simply a type of mountain bike designed to excel on off-road surfaces. These bikes feature 18- to 24-inch wheels and are designed to be lightweight and durable. Their design makes them particularly suited for racing and tricks.

There are actually three forms of BMX racing, with specially designed bikes in each category; namely, racing, freestyle and jumping bikes. Whether you want to race competitively or just have fun on homemade trails, these categories can still be helpful for determining which kind of bike is best for you.

Racing BMX designs are made specifically with the idea of speed in mind. They are composed of lightweight frames and feature customized tires designed to excel on off-road surfaces.

Freestyle bikes are very sturdy, with thick frames and pavement-ready BMX tires. These bikes are best for riding in skate parks, where you can learn and practice stunts and tricks.

Finally, jump bikes feature strong, sturdy frames, capable suspension systems and knobby tires. As the name suggests, they are meant to handle jumps comfortably, whether that be as part of a circuit or a homemade jump in the backyard. These bikes are also good on trails.

If you are just starting out riding off-road at high speeds, then you may want to start with a racing BMX, as these allow you to get out on the track and will have you learning the basics in no time. It is also never a bad idea to contact your local bike shop to get advice on which bike will work for your purposes and with your build.

In addition to these categories, bicycle customization is becoming more widely accessible. This allows you to tailor your bike to your specific racing and aesthetic desires. Whether you want a bike you can occasionally take off-road at high speeds, or you are looking to become a devoted BMX racer, today's BMX rider has more biking options available than ever before.

Jennifer R. Scott has been writing for over ten years on a broad range of topics. She has a background that includes such diverse areas as environmentalism, cooking, animal care, and technology. If you would like more information on BMX, please visit BMX Bikes [], a supplier of quality bicycles of all types.

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